As the ever-growing industry is severely short-numbered to fully employ those 26,000 aircraft that are currently operating around the earth, all quality aviation training centers are committed to helping the industry develop even further. In the end of 2015, aviation training centre BAA Training, located in Lithuania, answered to the urgent industry need to raise professional pilots who could enter the workplace in the shortest time possible by establishing the scholarship program.
BAA Training, as a successfully operating aviation training centre, has been providing Ab Initio training services for almost five years. The careful market watch has led to the decision of scholarship establishment due to the desire to provide all those who have the required skills, proper motivation and discipline an opportunity to become pilots even though they might require some financial assistance.
"The aviation, being the engine of the global economy, is highly demanding and we set the same standards to all our pilot program applicants. However, sometimes we face the reality of the perfect candidate needing financial support to be able to study, and our desire to give skilled and motivated students the opportunity to go through the training and enter the workforce as successful professionals was the bases of BAA Training pilot scholarship. ", commented Indre Sveistryte, Ab Initio Director at BAA Training.