"The findings of long-term research suggest that good quality pre-school and pre-primary education has a positive impact on further social and emotional development of all children, notably those growing under the conditions of social risk and exclusion, and helps to reduce poverty. The child's early experience is a determining factor for his further learning achievements," said the Minister of Education and Science, Audronė Pitrėnienė, while presenting the draft.
The Law establishes that compulsory education is a compulsory state-guaranteed education until the age of 16 of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania residing in the Republic of Lithuania and aliens having the right of permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Lithuania according to pre-school, primary and basic education curricula.
Under the Law, parents (guardians) shall be entitled to enrol a child in pre-primary programme when a child reaches five years of age, whereas his primary education may start in the calendar year when he turns six, on condition that he is mature enough. Parents (guardians) must enrol a child in the pre-school education in the calendar year when a child reaches six years of age, with the exception of the cases prescribed in Article 8(3) of this Law, and enrol a child who turns seven in that calendar year in primary education, except the cases prescribed in Article 9 (3) of this Law.
The amendments will come into force on 1 September 2016.