Potential investors are directly informed by the seller, also, via public invitations in Lithuanian and Russian media. Initial bids of potential buyers are expected by 9 January, 2015.
The first part of the claims' package on sale consists of about EUR 39.8 million (according to EUR/RUB exchange rate on 17 December, 2014) claim to the OAO Russkij Karavaj company registered in Russian Federation, currently in bankruptcy proceedings, claim is secured by mortgage of 9,702 square metres in a multifunctional building in Moscow of total area of 21,498 square metres.
The second part of the claims' package consists of around EUR 15.06 million claim to UAB Turto Valdymo Strategija, company registered in Republic of Lithuania, currently in bankruptcy proceedings, the company owns 99.04% of shares in Russkij Karavaj.