Export prices were mostly influenced by a 7.4% decrease of refined petroleum products' prices and a 2.7% increase of chemicals and chemical products' prices, a 3.2% increase of agricultural products' prices and a 2.8% increase in computer, electronic and optical products' prices.
Import prices were mostly affected by a 7% decrease of crude petroleum and natural gas prices, a 0.9% increase of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers' prices, a 4.2% increase of other mining and quarrying products' prices, a 0.9% increase of electrical equipment prices and a 0.4% increase of other machinery and equipment prices.
Of the exported goods, prices of crude petroleum decreased the most, by 10.4%. Prices of permanent crops decreased by 10% while prices of motor vehicles decreased by 4%. Meanwhile, prices of annual plants increased by 9%, other chemical products by 8.6%, structural metal products by 8.3%.
Of the imported goods prices of crude petroleum decreased the most, by 8.3%, main pharmaceutical products by 8% and electricity by 3.3%. Meanwhile, prices of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers increased the most, by 5.1%. Prices of other mining and quarrying products increased by 4.8%, while fish and fisheries products' prices increased by 3.4%.