Despite scarce precipitation in November that determined lower electricity production at hydro power plants, they produced the most of locally generated electricity last month, over 90 GWh, or 42% of total electricity generated in the country. In November, the major cities' thermal power plants generated 86 GWh of electricity in total, or 40% of total electricity generated in the country. The electricity output of wind parks in November was nearly one third smaller than in October, while their generation accounted for 20% of total electricity generated in the country, or 5% of total electricity consumed. The Lithuanian Power Plant was out of operation in November.
More than three quarters, i.e. 77% of the electricity consumed during November in Lithuania was imported. The electricity import from Estonia and Nordic countries was decreasing by 14% on average, while import from Kaliningrad grew by 28%.
The average electricity price on the Scandinavian trading zone of Nord Pool Spot exchange in November was dropping by over 2% compared to last month and was 10.3 ct/kWh, the average price in the Estonian trading zone decreased by 12% to 12.2 ct/kWh, while Latvia experienced 6% price drop on average.
The capacities of the Latvian-Estonian interconnection during 8-14 December were used by 97% on average, the Lithuanian-Latvian interconnectors – by 43%, the Lithuanian-Kaliningrad interconnectors – by 100%, Lithuanian – Belarus by 49%.