The positive financial account balance (LTL 461.4 million, or EUR 133.6 million) was due to the positive flow of net direct and other investment and of the growing official reserve assets flow.
In October 2014 the country's balance of payments for the fifth consecutive month recorded a CAB surplus, which amounted to LTL 292.7 million (EUR 84.8 million) and was by LTL 54.1 million (EUR 15.7 million), or 15.6% less than in September. This was due to significantly increased trade balance deficit – it amounted to LTL 196.6 million (EUR 56.9 million), as well as an increase in the negative primary income balance (LTL –401.7 million/EUR 116.4 million).
According to preliminary estimates, in January-October 2014 the CAB surplus amounted to LTL 866.2 million, (EUR 250.9 million), while in the same period in 2013 –LTL 1 billion (EUR 298 million).