"The SADS already has a lot of experience in the field of digital solutions and we are confident that this institution will competently implement the requirements of the European Interoperability Act in our country. This is an important step in strengthening the digital transformation of the Lithuanian public sector and ensuring an efficient data exchange process not only in Lithuania, but also across the European Union," said Andžej Trachimovič, Vice-Minister of the Economy and Innovation.
As part of the implementation of the European Interoperability Act, SADS will coordinate all issues related to the Act, such as assisting authorities in carrying out interoperability assessments, promoting the sharing of interoperability solutions through the European Interoperability Portal, and ensuring a smooth cross-border data exchange process.
"As the main body implementing digital policy in the public sector, SADS will now coordinate the dissemination of information and communication with authorities in other countries under the European Interoperability Act. By ensuring interoperability, we will be able to share our best practices and apply the experiences of other countries here in Lithuania, thus facilitating trans-European interoperability. This will benefit not only the public sector as a whole, but also all Lithuanian citizens in the future," says Tomas Misevičius, Head of the State Agency for Digital Solutions.
The main objective of the European Interoperability Act is to foster cooperation between institutions, increase administrative efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of services for citizens and businesses across the EU. It will also contribute to strengthening data security, improving standardisation and developing public services that meet users' needs.
It should be noted that as of 12 January this year, all public sector bodies are required to carry out interoperability assessments before imposing new or essential requirements on digital public services and information systems that can be adapted to exchange data at trans-European level. These assessments will help to ensure smooth and standardised cross-border cooperation across the European Union.
For more information on the European Interoperability Law and its implementation in Lithuania, please visit the VSSA website.