"Currently, the "E. sąskaita" (e-Account) system, managed by the Centre of Registers, has about 40,000 active users, many of them companies. On average, almost 150.000 electronic invoices are submitted each month using the e-Account system. These figures have grown significantly in recent years, with both the number of users of the system and the number of invoices submitted to the system increasing. This shows that Lithuanian businesses are already accustomed to electronic invoicing, and we expect that switching from one system to another will not cause any new difficulties," said Erika Kuročkina, Deputy Minister of the Economy and Innovation.
In response to requests from E.sąskaita (e-Account) users and in order to ensure better preparation for the use of SABIS, a transition period is planned from 1 July to 31 August. Users will be able to gradually migrate to SABIS and continue to use e-Account for an additional period. SABIS will be fully operational on 1 September and "E.sąskaita" (e-Account) will be discontinued as of 30 August this year.
As the European Union (EU) moves towards a common electronic invoice, invoices in the new SABIS system will comply with the European e-invoicing standard.
The overhaul of SABIS marks a new phase in the management of invoices in the public and private sectors and opens up new opportunities for further development. The system will be easier to use.
SABIS is more integrated than other systems with the CVP IS public procurement system, and its interfaces with the Financial Accounting General Information System (FABIS) and other business management systems (e.g. ERP) and document management systems (e.g. DBSIS) have been secured and enhanced.
"The upgraded system will make it easier for companies to comply with the European Standard for Electronic Invoicing. Another important objective is to create a technologically advanced system that provides a user-friendly environment, contributes to the reduction of paper invoices and increases the efficiency of public and private sector management. The aim of the complete modernisation of the system is also to improve its speed and security, increase the number of users who can log in at the same time and improve the stability of the system," says Artūras Patapas, SABIS Project Manager, Director of the Department of Operational Organisation of the National Centre for Common Functions.
The free Euroconnector tool, developed on the initiative of the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, will help companies to adapt to the SABIS system. It can be downloaded here.
These changes are being implemented in line with European Union legislation on the use of electronic invoices in public procurement.
The project "Modernisation of the e-Invoice Information System" is being implemented by the National Centre for Shared Functions. The project is financed from the budget and has a budget of more than €1 million.