the current account balance (CAB) surplus went up to €558.1 million. The surplus increased significantly, as the foreign trade balance and primary income balance went from deficit to surplus (see Chart 1). The foreign trade surplus of €175.7 million accumulated due to a faster growth in the exports of goods (6.1%) and the decline in their imports (-7.4%), while the surplus of primary income of €73.0 million was determined by the European Union (EU) subsidies for agriculture. With the rise in exports and imports of services (by 0.7% and 3.6% respectively), the surplus on the balance of services decreased (3.2%) and amounted to €321.2 million;
the secondary income balance went from surplus (€6.8 million in November) to deficit and amounted to €11.8 million. Transfers from EU support funds increased by 45.9% and amounted to €45.1 million, while Lithuania’s calculated contributions to the EU budget declined by 40.2% month on month and amounted to €36.4 million. Private individual remittances from abroad amounted to €52.1 million, increasing by 4.5% month on month. Private individual remittances from Lithuania amounted to €18.6 million, a month-on-month increase of 3.3%;
the positive net flow of financial account investment (€825.8 million) resulted from the positive net flows of other investment and direct investment, which offset the decrease in official reserve assets and the negative net flow of portfolio investment.