"The plan will ensure that all work is done smoothly, responsibly and in a timely manner and that the Lithuanian power system is prepared for synchronous operation with the Continental European network by 2025," Energy Minister Zygimantas Vaiciunas said in a press release.
A key part of the plan is the development of electricity transmission network infrastructure. It covers major infrastructure projects and sets specific dates for implementing them.
It calls for expanding the existing LitPol Link interconnection between Lithuania and Poland, building a new submarine cable between the two neighboring countries, named Harmony Link, and optimizing the power transmission network in Northeastern Lithuania and carrying out other projects to reinforce the transmission infrastructure.
The plan also sets out measures to fulfill a set of technical requirements for synchronization that were approved by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) in late May.
The end of 2021 is set as a deadline for reaching an agreement with the Polish and Swedish transmission system operators on cooperation in case of the power system's operation in an isolated mode. In cooperation with Latvia and Estonia, a Baltic power system control unit is to be created by late 2024.
The Energy Ministry will coordinate the implementation of the plan. It will be carried out in cooperation with the Baltic countries, Poland, the Nordic countries and the European Commission.