The throughput in March of the current year increased by 24,2% comparing with January of 2014 and by 12,9% comparing with February of 2014.
1 142,5 thou,. tn of fertilizers were handled in March of 2014, i.e. more by +28,6% or by 253,9 thou. tn comparing with March of 2013 and less only by -1,3% comparing with the best result achieved in the handling of fertilizers – in August of 2011 the Seaport handled 1 157,5 thou. tn of fertilizers.
Container handling results in March of 2014 took the second place throughout the entire history of the Seaport: totally 39 861 TEU were handled, i.e. more by +22,7% or 7 374 TEU comparing with March of 2013. The best results achieved in container handling per month were achieved in May of 2011 – 46 627.
- Bulk natural and chemical fertilizers ( 951,2 thou. tn were handled, the yoy change was +35,1% or +247,4 thou. tn);
- ore ( 198,5 thou. tn were handled, the yoy change was +9,6 times or +177,7 thou. tn);
- containerised cargoes (511,2 thou. tn were handled, the yoy change was +39,2% or +144,1 thou. tn);
- oil products ( 401,2 thou. tn were transhiped, the yoy change was -57,9% or -551,1 thou. tn)
were the categories of cargo that made the most significant impact on cargo handling turnover in March of the current year.