The need for greater funding emerged as the Central Project Management Agency selected more advanced projects of greater value, which will contribute to the development of electronic government, electronic health, digital television, the use of Lithuanian language in information society and other important online services.
Most of the reallocated funds will be devoted to the projects of broadband electronic communications networks – LTL 2.7 million (EUR 0.8 million). LTL 2.4 million (EUR 0.7 million) will be allocated to projects ensuring e-government services in municipalities and LTL 2.1 million (EUR 0.6 million) – to projects implementing e-democracy goals. LTL 2.1 million (EUR 0.6 million) will be allocated for the measure Lithuanian Language in Information Society. Meanwhile, LTL 1.6 million (EUR 0.4 million) will be allocated for the development of e-health services.