The overall price change was mainly influenced by a decrease in prices for the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products – 2.1, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – 0.8% (gas – 1.2%, steam and air conditioning supply – 1.2%, electricity – 0.2%), as well as by an increase in prices for the manufacture of food products – 0.4, refined petroleum products – 0.1, computer, electronic and optical products – 1.4%.
Over the month, prices for industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market dropped by 0.6%. The largest decrease in prices was observed for production of the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products – 8.3, other mining and quarrying – 3%, while prices for the production of the manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products increased by 2.5%. Prices for food products decreased by 0.2%; out of them, prices for fruit, berries and vegetables juice – 5, meat and poultry products – 4.4, poultry – 2.2%. Prices for prepared meals and dishes grew by 10.7, other processed and preserved fruit and vegetables – 8.3%.
Over the month, prices for products sold on the non-Lithuanian market dropped by 0.1%. The largest decrease in prices was observed for the production of waste collection, treatment and disposal, materials recovery – 5.9, leather and related products – 2.4, manufacture of furniture – 1.3%, while prices for the manufacture of paper and paper products grew by 3.1%.
Over the year (December 2013, against December 2012), prices for the total industrial production sold decreased by 2.9%, refined petroleum products excluded – by 2%. The greatest price drop was observed for the production of the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products – 13.6, waste collection, treatment and disposal, materials recovery – 10.9%, while prices for the production of the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers increased by 7.6, other mining and quarrying – 5.6%.
The overall change in prices for industrial production sold is influenced not only by the rate of change in the price of a certain product but also by the relative share of the industrial production sold within certain economic activity in the overall industrial production.