Over the month, the turnover of enterprises trading in food products, seasonally and calendar adjusted, increased by 1.4, of those trading in non-food products and engaged in retail trade of automotive fuel – 0.5% at constant prices.
In March 2018, against March 2017, the turnover (VAT excluded) of retail trade enterprises, calendar adjusted, increased by 4.5% at constant prices (unadjusted – 6.7%). The turnover of enterprises trading in food products, calendar adjusted, increased by 5.5, of those trading in non-food products – 2.6, of those engaged in retail trade of automotive fuel – 6.5% at constant prices.
In March 2017, the turnover of enterprises engaged in food and beverage service activities (VAT excluded) amounted to EUR 56.6 million at current prices and, against February 2018, seasonally and calendar adjusted, increased by 1.9% at constant prices (unadjusted – 13.1%). Against March 2017, calendar adjusted, the turnover of such enterprises increased by 9.9% at constant prices (unadjusted – 9.7%).