In IV quarter 2017, the number of foreign guests received by Lithuania’s accommodation establishments totalled 310.9 thousand (by 8.9% more than in IV quarter 2016). The number of tourists from the EU countries totalled 165.6 thousand (by 9.9% more than in IV quarter 2016), from non-EU countries – 145.3 thousand (by 7.7% more). Almost a half (48.1%) of the foreigners accommodated were guests from the neighbouring countries – Belarus (15.4%), Russia (12%), Latvia (11.7%) and Poland (8.9%). Compared to IV quarter 2016, the number of quests from neighbouring countries grew by 10.6%. The number of guests from Asian countries increased: from South Korea – by 121.3%, Japan – 20.9, Israel – 14.2 and China – by 10.4%. Compared to the same period of 2016, the number of tourists from Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), decreased by 1.6%.
The number of Lithuania’s residents accommodated totalled 296.5 thousand, which is by 8.9% more than in IV quarter 2016.
Almost a quarter (24.8%) of tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of resort towns. Against IV quarter 2016, the number of guests in the accommodation establishments of resort towns grew by 10.3%. Most of guests of the resort towns (76.6%) were residents of Lithuania.
In 2017, accommodation establishments received 2.9 million tourists, or by 6.6% more than in 2016; the number of foreigners amounted to 1.6 million (by 4.3% more).
Against IV quarter 2016, hotel and motel room and bed occupancy rates grew by 2.2 and 2.6 percentage points respectively.
In 2017, hotels and motels received 2.2 million tourists, or by 7.2% more than in the 2016; the number of foreigners amounted to 1.3 million (by 3.7% more).