According to Lithuanian Department of Statistics, in January 2018 there were 2 587 economic entities in Vilnius district. Compared to the statistics from the beginning of 2017, the number of operating economic entities increased by 83 new companies, of which 70 percent consists of companies with no more than 20 employees.
Operating economic entity is an entity registered in the Register of Legal Entities, which provides: statistical reports to the corresponding Lithuanian Department of Statistics, company declarations and annual balance sheets to State Tax Inspectorate, quarterly reports to the departments of Social Insurance Fund board. What is more, an entity should have employees and (or) income.
Vilnius District Municipality provides favorable conditions for business and potential investors, as it is shown by independent researches.
Vilnius district municipality takes high positions for the second year in a row – in 2017 it took 8th place among the 60 municipalities of Lithuania in the list created according the research called “The map of business barriers 2017” (lt. „Verslo kliūčių žemėlapis 2017”) initiated by “Citadele” bank. The results of the research showed that Vilnius district municipality is one of the least barrier – ceating, the most business – friendly, adapted for business development and providing the most favorable conditions for the business among the other municipalities.
In 2016, in the study of the entrepreneurship level of Lithuanian municipalities, initiated by the Central Credit Union of Lithuania, Vilnius District Municipality ranked 9th among the most enterprising municipalities in the country, that provide favorable conditions for business and potential investors.
In the year 2017, Vilnius District Municipality hit record-high 6th place in the annual index of large and small municipalities published by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute. For two years in a row investment and development were indicated as the most appreciated fields of Vilnius district municipality. Among 54 small municipalities, Vilnius district municipality, having favorable conditions for business and potential investors, took the 3rd place.
Vilnius District Municipality takes care of the level of entrepreneurship of the residents – it consults entrepreneurs about business creation and development opportunities, it also has established the Small and Medium Business Support Fund.