Compared to the same quarter of 2016, it stood at 3.4% (unadjusted – 3.1%).
As for GDP estimated by production approach, in III quarter 2017, against the previous period, seasonally and calendar adjusted, the largest positive influence on the change was made by an increase in the value added generated by the enterprises engaged in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities, manufacturing, while negative influence was made by a decrease in the value added generated by the enterprises engaged in financial and insurance activities, agriculture, forestry and fishing.
As for GDP estimated by expenditure approach, in III quarter 2017, compared to the previous quarter, seasonally and calendar adjusted, final household consumption expenditure decreased by 1.9, general government expenditure – increased by 0.2%. Gross fixed capital formation increased by 2.1, exports of goods and services – 2.5, imports – 0.7%.
In the first three quarters of 2017, GDP amounted to EUR 30.9 billion at current prices. Against the respective period of 2016, the real GDP change, seasonally and calendar adjusted, stood at 3.9% (unadjusted – 3.8%).
Real GDP changes have been estimated using a chain-linking method which enables the elimination of the influence of price changes.
Values of and changes in GDP and its components depend on the different seasons of the year; therefore, changes used for the comparison of GDP and its components for different periods are seasonally and calendar adjusted.
A news release on the first GDP estimate for IV quarter 2017 is due on 30 January 2018.