The company said that a Shell tanker Cardissa, which had arrived at the Klaipeda port on Sunday, delivered 1,000 cubic meters of gas from the LNG vessel Independence in southern part of the port to the station in the north, and the gas will be placed in two of the five reservoirs.
"The launch and adjustment work enables us to test the entire infrastructure of LNG logistics in the port. First of all, loading LNG from the large terminal to a small-scale gas carrier, followed by loading from the carrier to the LNG distribution station and later onto gas carrier vehicles," Miindaugas Jusius, CEO at Klaipedos Nafta, said in a press release.
Shell purchased the LNG for trials from Lietuvos Duju Tiekimas (Lithuanian Gas Supply, LDT), which had earlier bought the gas from US company Cheniere Marketing International.
Adjustment of the LNG distribution station is planned to last until the end of the fall, with its commercial operations to commence in the first half of 2018.