This is the first project of its kind to present the Lithuanian economy, business, and investment environment using Kinect technology, responding to human motions and ensuring interactivity. As a result, visitors become actively engaged. The project (including short videos) gives an overview of the national economy, investment info, stats about the labour market, transport and rail sector, latest industrial companies, as well as imports and exports.
According to Ambassador Raimundas Karoblis, Permanent Representative to the EU, "I am glad that on the occasion of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of European Union, we can accessibly and succinctly present to an international audience our national economy, academic accomplishments, and examples of successful business. This installation with the latest and most relevant information is a valuable tool in showing the potential of the Lithuanian economy to the world."
The installation will first be available to Members of the European Parliament; before touring to London, Jönköping (Sweden), Berlin, Paris, Moscow, Washington, and Philadelphia.
The installation on Lithuanian accomplishments in the economy and business is just one of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union projects. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperated with Investuok Lietuvoje VšĮ, the State Tourism Department, MITA and other authorities for the interactive installation. It was designed by Gluk Media, new media agency.