Over the previous year, the resident population declined by 39.2 th. (1.4%). As in the previous years, emigration remains the main reason for the resident population decline. Negative net international migration (the number of emigrants exceeded that of immigrants by 29.6 th.) accounted for 75.5% of the total resident population decrease. Due to negative natural population change (the number of deaths exceeded that of live births by 9.6 th.) the resident population decreased by 24.5%.
Live births and deaths
In 2016, 31.2 th. babies were born, which is by 322 babies (1%) less than in 2015. There were 10.9 live births per 1000 population (in 2015, 10.8).
In 2016, 40.8 th. persons died, which is by 1 th. (2.4%) less than in 2015. The number of deaths per 1000 population decreased from 14.4 (in 2015) to 14.2 (in 2016).
Emigration and immigration
In 2016, 51 th. emigrants declared their departure from Lithuania, which is by 6.4 th. (14.5%) more than a year ago. The number of emigrants per 1000 th. increased from 15.3 (in 2015) to 17.8 (in 2016).
In 2016, 21.4 th. persons immigrated to Lithuania, which is by 0.8 th. (3.5%) less than in 2015. The number of immigrants per 1000 population decreased from 7.6 (in 2015) to 7.4 (in 2016). In 2016, 16.5 th. Lithuanian nationals returned to Lithuania (77.2% of the total number of immigrants), which is by 1.9 th. (10.4%) less than in 2015. Last year, 4.9 th. foreigners immigrated to the country, which is by 1.1 th. (30.2%) more than in 2015.
Marriages and divorces
In 2016, 21.1 th. marriages were registered (in 2015, 22 th.). There were 7.4 marriages per 1000 population (in 2015, 7.6).
In 2016, 8.6 th. divorces were registered, which is by 0.8 th. couples (8.7 %) less than a year ago. The number of divorces per 1000 population decreased from 3.2 (in 2015) to 3 (in 2016). Last year, there were 40.4 divorces per 1000 marriages (in 2015, 42.6).