The Transport Ministry has drafted a government resolution that calls for revising an inter-institutional action plan for the implementation of the Information Society Development Program for 2014-2020.
The draft plan calls for spending 171.623 mln euros for ICT development in 2017 through 2019, with most of the funds to come from the state budget. A total of 258.583 mln euros is to be spent on the development of the sector in 2014 through 2020.
The proposed plan provides for allocating nearly 52.9 mln euros in the next three years for the development of a secure and reliable ITC infrastructure and another 50.3 mln euros for the creation and promotion of electronic public and administrative services.
Based on figures from Statistics Lithuania, 73% of the country's households had Internet access in the first quarter of 2016. 74% of the population aged between 16 and 74 years used the Internet, with the percentage ranging from 26% for the 65-74 age group to 99% for the 16-24 age group.