The price of electricity in Nord Pool Spot's Lithuanian bidding area last week averaged 36 euros per megawatt-hour, up by 8 % from a week earlier, but down by 17 % from a year earlier, Litgrid said on Monday.
The power transmission system operator attributed the week-on-week rise in the market price to lower supply.
The Kaliningrad power plant was closed for maintenance throughout the week. The SwePol interconnection between Poland and Sweden was out of service and the flow of electricity from Lithuania to Poland increased, it noted.
Lithuania last week imported 77% of its electricity. Some 56% of electricity imports came from Sweden, 21% from Latvia, Estonia and Finland, and 23% from third countries.
Wind power generation in Lithuania rose by 24% compared with the previous week. Across the Baltics, wind turbines generated 17% more electricity and hydro power plants increased their output by 6%.
Some 22% of the cross-border interconnection capacity between Lithuania and Latvia, 93% of that between Lithuania and Sweden and 60% of that between Lithuania and Belarus was used for importing electricity to Lithuania on Sept. 19 through 25 on average. 63% of the capacity of the Lithuania-Poland interconnection was used for the flow of electricity to Poland and 8% for the flow to Lithuania.