During the Industry, Research and Energy committee meeting, the minister said that the common market will positively influence the economy and the security of supplies, will directly promote the creation of new jobs in the EU. According to him, the internal energy market of the EU is an extremely important part of the EU competitiveness and it will contribute to the successful implementation of the climate and energy goals of 2020.
Lithuania, during its time as the president of the EU Council, will seek that the Energy Council that will meet in December would evaluate the progress on the common internal energy market.
J. Neverovičius also emphasized that in order to achieve energy security the EU is dependent upon stable and transparent international energy market. According to the minister, it is necessary to strengthen the coordination between member states aiming to create equal relationships with energy suppliers from outside the Union.
Lithuania together with the EU Commission will review and update the Council's conclusions released in 2011 on the external energy relations and their trends. The EU will strive to improve towards consistency, reliability, and effectiveness in the energy sector.