The price of electricity in Nord Pool Spot's Lithuanian bidding area averaged 40.5 euros per megawatt-hours (MWh) in June, up 23% compared with May, but down
5% from a year earlier, Litgrid said on Tuesday.
The month-on-month increase was due to the average price in the Lithuanian and Latvian bidding areas rising to 65 euros per MWh in the last week of June, the power transmission system operator said in a press release.
Lithuania last week imported 62% of its electricity. Almost one-fourth of electricity imports came from Latvia, Estonia and Finland, 41% from Sweden, and the rest from third countries.
Some 18% of the cross-border interconnection capacity between Lithuania and Latvia, 79% of that between Lithuania and Belarus and 82% of that between Lithuania and Sweden was used for importing electricity to Lithuania on June 27 through July 3 on average. Some 38% of the capacity of the Lithuania-Poland interconnection was used for importing electricity to Poland.