Over the year, the number of full-time employees earning a minimum monthly wage (mmw) decreased by 0.4 percentage points.
In October 2015, the number of full-time employees earning the MMW, against the total number of full-time employees of the respective sector, stood at 8.8% (84.3 thousand) in the whole economy: 5.9% (19.1 thousand) – in the public sector, 10.2% (65.2 thousand) – in the private sector. Against the same period of 2014, the number of such employees in the whole economy decreased by 0.4, in the private sector – by 0.7%, while in the public sector – increased by 0.2 percentage points.
The number of full-time employees earning EUR 400 and less in the whole economy stood at 22.1% and over the year decreased by 6.1 percentage points. In October, 63.8% of full-time employees earned less than average gross earnings (EUR 744.8) in the whole economy.
The number of full-time employees of accommodation and food service enterprises earning the MMW stood at 20.5% and over the year decreased by 3.3 percentage points. Almost a quarter of full-time employees of information and communication, as well as financial and insurance enterprises earned EUR 1 601 and more.
In October 2015, the first quarter of full-time employees in the whole economy earned up to EUR 421.2, the second – from EUR 421.2 to 601.9, the third – from EUR 601.9 to 885.7, the last – EUR 885.7 and more.
The highest median earnings – EUR 1 027.0 – were received in financial and insurance enterprises. The lowest median earnings were received in accommodation and food service enterprises – EUR 392.1, in other service enterprises – EUR 495.4, and over the year increased by EUR 40.2 and 56.2 respectively.
The number of full-time employees working in small enterprises (1–9 employees) and earning the MMW, against the number of full-time employees working in small enterprises, stood at 29.5% and over the year decreased by 1.1 percentage points, while the number of full-time employees working in big enterprises (250 and more employees) and earning the MMW, against the number of full-time employees working in such enterprises, stood at 2.5% and over the year decreased by 0.2 percentage points.
The largest number of full-time employees earning the MMW was recorded in wholesale and retail trade (20.1 thousand), manufacturing (14.3 thousand), and education (14.0 thousand) enterprises because they employed majority of employees in the whole economy.
Over the year, the number of full-time employees earning EUR 3001 and more in the whole economy increased by 1113 employees and amounted to 7564 (of whom 6485 – in the private, 1079 – in the public sector). The largest number of such employees was recorded in wholesale and retail trade (1463), manufacturing (1244), information and communication (914) enterprises. In public administration and defence and compulsory social security, this figure stood at 170.
The number of full-time employees aged under 20 earning the MMW, compared to the total number of the employees of the said age group, stood at 14.4%.
Almost half of full-time employees aged under 20 earned EUR 400 and less; compared to the previous year, the figure dropped by 9.9 percentage points.
In 2015, 12.9% of employees aged under 20 earned EUR 601 and more; over the year, this figure grew by 1.9 percentage points.