The overall price change was mainly influenced by a 6.4% decrease in prices for the production of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (electricity went down in price by 12.5, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – 2.7%, yet gas went up in price by 2.1%), 3.1% – chemicals and chemical products, as well as by a 1.8% increase in prices for the production of the manufacture of rubber and plastic products.
Over the month, prices for industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market decreased by 1.8%. The largest decrease in prices was observed for the production of the extraction of crude petroleum – 12.5%; production of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply went down in price by 6.4%. However, an increase in prices was observed for the production of the manufacture of leather and leather products (5%) and motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (3.9%). Food products went up in price by 0.2%; prepared pet foods went up in price by 11.3, condiments and seasonings – 7.5, fish and fish products – 3.4%, yet manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals went down in price by 4.3, milk and cheese products – 2%.
Over the month, prices for products sold on the non-Lithuanian market decreased by 1.2%. A decrease in prices was observed for the production of the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (3.3%) and refined petroleum products (3.1%), while increase – waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery (2.7%).
Over the month, prices for industrial production sold on the euro area market decreased by 0.9%, while on the non-euro area market – 1.4%.
Over the year (February 2016, against February 2015), prices for the total industrial production sold decreased by 9%, refined petroleum products excluded – 2.5%. The overall change in prices was mainly influenced by a decrease in prices for the production of manufacture of refined petroleum products (32.8%) and chemicals and chemical products (6%).
The largest decrease in prices was observed for the production of extraction of crude petroleum (37.7%), while increase – tobacco products (17.4%).
Over the year, prices for industrial production sold on the Lithuanian market decreased by 6%, refined petroleum products excluded – 2.7%. The annual price change was mainly influenced by a decrease in prices for the manufacture of refined petroleum products (30.4%) and an increase in prices for the manufacture of paper and paper products (3.8%).
Over the year, prices for industrial production sold on the non-Lithuanian market decreased by 11.2%, refined petroleum products excluded – 2.4%. The annual price change was mainly influenced by a decrease in prices for the manufacture of refined petroleum products (33.9%) and an increase in prices for the manufacture of rubber and plastic products (2.6%).