EconomyLietuvos Oro Uostai (Lithuanian Airports, or LOU), the state-run operator of Lithuania's three international airports, said its net profit increased three-fold last year compared with 2017 to 8.4 mln euros as revenue jumped by 32.95 to 44 mln euros. Denmark's JBS Textile Group is strengthening its production in Lithuania through the acquisition of Sparta, a sock factory operating in Vilnius for 100 years now, with plans to manufacture not only socks. SEB loans EUR 10 mln to Intersurgical for warehouse construction in Lithuania's Pabrade2019-03-01, 09:37SEB Bankas is providing a 10-million-euro loan to Intersurgical to help the international medical device manufacturer finance its 22-million-euro project for building a new disposable breathing system warehouse in the eastern Lithuanian town of Pabrade. S&P Global Ratings has kept Lithuania's long-term borrowing rating at A with a stable outlook. Norwegian-owned Lithuanian electronic product manufacturer Kitron posted almost 150 million euros in revenue last year, up 23% from 2017, and the number of its employees rose by almost a tenth. The recently emerged allegations that Sweden's Swedbank was involved in the Danske Bank money laundering scheme in Estonia will have negative impact on the whole Baltic banking market which is viewed by many foreign financial institutions as a single region. Electricity market prices fell by around 10 percent across the Baltic region last week, driven down, among other factors, by warmer weather which curbed demand, the independent electricity supplier Elektrum Lietuva said on Tuesday. Global cryptocurrency platform Blockchain opened an office in Vilnius on Tuesday, with plans to hire several tens of employees by the end of the year. As the technical supervision tender for the construction of a waste repository for Lithuania's Ignalina nuclear power plant, now undergoing decommissioning, is stalling, the nuclear facility no longer wants to wait and plans to call a tender soon for the contractor of the repository worth around 100 mln euros. Zilinskis ir Co to build transformer station in Lithuania's Alytus for EUR 21.6 mln2019-02-18, 09:45Zilinskis ir Co, a Lithuanian energy infrastructure builder, has won the tender for the expansion of the transformer station in Alytus, southern Lithuania, a project important for the synchronization of the Baltic states' power systems with that of continental Europe. |
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