

In connection to the unprecedented attack against Polish schools in Lithuania by the current liberal-nationalist authorities of Lithuania, the aim of which is to liquidate or downgrade to a lower level several Polish schools in the Vilnius, Šalčininkai and Trakai districts (including 8 gymnasia, i.e. Šv. Kazimiero in Medininkai, Tadeušo Konvickio in Buivydžiai, Šv. Jono Bosko in Egliškės, Šv. Uršulės Leduchovskos in Juodašiliai, Povilo Ksavero Bžostovskio in Turgeliai, Adomo Mickevičiaus in Dieveniškės, Anos Krepštul in Butrimonys, and Longin Komolovski in Paluknys), the school communities of the Vilnius Region are organizing a protest action and preparing an appeal of support for the preservation of Polish schools. The event will take place in front of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Vilnius.



Place for your add
Place for your add
Lietuva 24Litwa 24Литва 24Lithuania 24